Thursday, November 11, 2004

Welcome to the Nonpartisan Revolution!

You have come here from many different locations, for many different reasons. Some of you want to know how to take our country back; others want to change America into a nation where liberty is valued above all else; still more of you are simply curious about what Nonpartisanship is, why we advocate a radical reform in American electoral politics, and what you can do about it. Ladies and gentlemen, you have come to the right place.

My fellow Americans, the time has come to acknowldge the inescapable truth that our political system as it now stands is not democracy. Instead of seeking representation by true leaders, we are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils out of fear that the greater evil will otherwise win. Instead of standing up for their constituents, our elected officials are quickly cowed by partisanship and become cogs in the double wheel of two mindless and monolithic political parties whose only goal is to maintain their own position in power. The two-party duopoly is eating up America, destroying us through a culture of fear which makes us wary of expressing the independent spirit that distinguishes us as uniquely American. Unless it is checked by a popular movement, the two-party system will slowly bargain away the American dream in exchange for power and control.

Who are the Nonpartisans? We are not Democrats. We are not Republicans. We are only Americans -- those who want to act like Americans again. We are citizens who believe we can do better than the mush fed us by the two-party duopoly. We are thinkers who think our minds should be free of mindless partisan pandering. We are free people who want an opportunity to express our freedom at the ballot box and have it matter.

What do we advocate? Instant-runoff voting, an election procedure which will prevent future generations from having to choose between supporting the candidate they like and opposing the candidate they fear. Abolition of the Electoral College, a system of choosing our President which keeps the candidate with the most votes from winning the election -- an idea totally opposed to any reasonable conception of democracy. Ballot access reform, which will allow every American entry into the political process. Campaign-finance reform, which will limit the participation of monopolistic special-interest groups in political decision-making. And most important of all, eradication now and for all time of the two-party system whose only goal is to perpetuate itself and to keep the American people out of American government.

What will we do about it? For starters, we will use this website as an informational clearinghouse about the weaknesses of the system. We will talk and argue and organize and gain in strength as people begin to listen to our cries for liberty. And they will listen: for Nonpartisanship underscores everything that the American people are crying out for in their government and in their leaders -- an all-encompassing vision, a charismatic courage, a bravery of expression that transcends politics to become true leadership. Then, when we have the ear of a multitude of Americans, when we have a national movement on our side, we will push for reform of the American system of politics by supporting reformist candidates, by pushing reformist bills and amendments, by advocating Nonpartisanship in the halls of our government.

Until the time of our strength, our goal is to build a movement capable of reclaiming America through electoral reform. We will found Nonpartisan organizations all across America (a detailed plan for such a network will emerge on this site within the next week). We will spread the word at county fairs, in information booths, on street corners. We will continue to use this website as an organizational tool to support all our other efforts.

So if you want to see America revitalized, join our cause. Post comments on this site. E-mail us with ideas. Write up position papers. Organize Nonpartisan groups in your community. Above all, never give up hope in American liberty or in the wisdom of the American people when allowed to express themselves in a free manner.

I await your response.

-- Jeremy Young


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