Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Nature of Change

The nature of change is gradual but continuous. We have promoted change. Nonpartisan movements are not sweeping across the country but we have made a difference and had an impact. If only one person reads our theories and agrees or is even moved to act then we have created change.

America is not ready for nonpartisanship. Nor is nonpartisanship ready for America. But there will come a time when the vast majority of Americans are moved to action and nonpartisanship will be there for them. And at such a time we dedicated few will propel our little idea to the national stage. The election of 2004 appeared to be the sort of national crisis that could do this. It was not. Something else will happen and when that wake up call comes the nonpartisans will be ready to heed it.

-Ben Porter


At 4:01 AM, Blogger Nonpartisan said...

Ben, does this mean we're folding up shop? Or are you just stating that we haven't had as much success as we had hoped with getting people excited about our idea? Please clarify either here or in a successive post.

--Jeremy Young

At 4:01 AM, Blogger Nonpartisan said...

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At 2:11 PM, Blogger Nonpartisan said...

It doesn't mean we're folding up shop. Some of us are too stubbornly dedicated to this idea to simply fold. It means that we have not gotten enough of a response to pursue this on the national level at present. We will continue to operate in our college club capacity though.

-Ben Porter

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Nonpartisan said...

Then does this mean that the blog is going to die? Or can we still keep posting on it?

--Jeremy Young

At 11:05 PM, Blogger Nonpartisan said...

Post away! This blog will never die. Vive the blog!!



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